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Manga Chapter 885 " It's Brulee"

Manga Title - IT'S BRULEE


Luffy is upset that he lost the advantage against Katakuri and launches a Kong Gun at him, but it gets deflected. Katakuri launches an attack of his own which knocks Luffy back and bouncing against the wall. The Sweet Commander proclaims that the only thing he's proved is that as long as he stays calm, Luffy will not be able to defeat him. Angry Luffy confidently states that he'll find another weakness. When Katakuri notes that Luffy will be shriveling up, Luffy realizes that his Gear Fourth will wear out soon. He then retreats from the battle, but Katakuri refuses to let Luffy go and chases after him. Luffy's Gear Fourth deactivates, but he continues to flee. Just then, Luffy finds Brulee sitting close to a nearby mirror. Luffy then grabs her and jumps through a mirror. Katakuri tries to catch Luffy but fails.

Unfortunately, the place where Luffy escapes to is Nuts Island and he stares ahead as Big Mom continues to search for wedding cake. Both Charlotte Perospero and Charlotte Amande try to stop her from destroying the island, but both are ignored as she tears the city apart. Perospero then notices Luffy and informs Big Mom, who now shifts her attention to both him and Brulee. Perospero tries to stop Luffy, who is still holding Brulee captive, from escaping with a Candy Wall and Luffy tries to break it with a Gigant Pistol, but it has no effect. Amande then tries to attack Luffy, but he dodges the strike and jumps over the wall. Luffy continues to run from Big Mom and Perospero.Aboard the Thousand SunnyNami and Jinbe continue to scout the unnaturally calm sea. Nami theorizes that they must regroup with Sanji and the others to avoid being faced with Big Mom's fury. Elsewhere on the sea, the Big Mom Pirates have assembled with the Queen Mama Chanter and a fleet of Tarteships. Charlotte Mont-d'Or rallies them to go after the Straw Hats, the Firetank Pirates, and the Sun Pirates who are trying to flee the archipelago. He orders them all to be sunk on sight immediately.

At Cacao Island, one of the chefs faints from the sweetness of Sanji's secret ingredient, the whipped simsim cream. Charlotte Pudding wants to try it too, but Sanji says that they will need it for the cake. Chiffon informs them that the cake is finished baking, and both the whipped cream and Pudding's chocolate are ready too. Noting that they are running on schedule, Sanji asks about the preparations to move the cake aboard a ship. After hearing that they are ready to set sail, Sanji tells them that they will add the finishing touches to the cake.



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