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Luffy Won't Defeat Katakuri!!!What's Next Gear 5/Awakening/Future Seeing Ability?

Biggest Fight Till Now For Luffy!!!

In the Previous Manga Chapter 886, we found out few advantages for Luffy as well as few weaknesses of so called Invincible Katakuri.

Chapter 886's Few References With Images         

So, here Luffy states Katakuri's Observation Haki will get weaker if fight goes a little longer and Luffy could also rest for 10 minutes to regain his haki. Oda did great here I was wondering where Luffy will hide for 10 minutes in Mirror World but again surprising from Oda, Branch Sorry !!! Brulee becomes the escape route.

Here, we see even after gaining Haki after 10 minutes Luffy states that it won't do( not enough to defeat Katakuri ).So he has to come up with something different to defeat Katakuri.

Luffy even wants to improve his observation skills to the extent to see a little bit of the future as Katakuri does.So, does it mean Luffy would gain such power ups in upcoming few chapters with fight against Katakuri???

Luffy wants to surpass(defeat) Katakuri. Luffy wants to defeat Katakuri when he is at full power. 
All 1 Billion Berries Of Him. This is interesting now Luffy stating the bounty of Katakuri which is not heard till now from Luffy about someone's bounties. Does he want to take 1 billion berries defeating him as a bounty hunter??? HAHHAHA Just Kidding!!

Let's get to the topic now.

1. Kenbunshoku Haki "Katakuri's Future Seeing Ability"

Luffy stating about wanting to gain such power as Katakuri does of seeing a little bit of future, Is GODA forecasting that Luffy will be able to use such power against Katakuri in the upcoming chapters?? This would be a great advantage for Luffy in the fight against Katakuri as well as a little powerups added before heading to Wano for the battle against a Yonko "Kaido". But, I think it's not possible or I don't want it to happen, since after the timeskip Luffy's high upgrades are seen in Busoshoku Haki and Haoshoku Haki, not much seen in his Kenbunshoku Haki,so it would seem clearly stupid if Luffy gains such power in upcoming chapters to the extent of seeing a little bit of future.So, I don't think we can see this power in Luffy in upcoming chapters at least not before Wano Kingdom, dissapointing though, would've loved to see it!!

2.Surpass & Defeat Katakuri(Man Never Defeated Before)

Yes, we all have been waiting for this since the introduction of the character Katakuri,when our hero Luffy fights and defeats A Billion Berry Bounty Holder.

I don't need to mention his abilities,powers, df powers, haki's since we all know what kind of beast he is.In few previous chapters we see Sanji saying that it will be the first defeat of Katakuri(i.e. Luffy will defeat Katakuri). It's nice, a nakama believes in his captain to such level.But Will Luffy Actually Defeat Katakuri? 

I say NO coz of these reasons:

(i) Going back to all the previous arcs,almost all the opponents defeated by Luffy are cruel,underestimating Luffy and always some emotions attached with people suffering from them. But, here the opponent is of different nature and seems a perfect opponent and not an emotional fight.It's the Fight For Legacy though.

(ii) In the above image we see Luffy stating that he wants to surpass him,wants to defeat him when he's at full power.In previous fights with other opponents(Doflamingo,Crocodile etc.) we see Luffy actually saying he will surpass or defeat that opponent but here he just wants to defeat the opponent.

(iii) If... If ... In case Luffy becomes able to defeat Katakuri ( if guyzz) then the outcome is even worst. Do you seriously think that Straw Hat Luffy will defeat two of the three right hand mans of a Yonko?? And the Big Mom will just watch and enjoy the scenes of 2 of her right hand men's defeat?? She will chase Straw Hats to hell and back to kill him, and it would be bad for Luffy before Wano as he will be surely seriously injured if and only if he manages to defeat Katakuri.

3.Awakened Devil Fruit Gomu Gomu No

I am pretty positive with this thing. I truly think that we will surely see an awakened df power from Luffy. Awakening was introduced by Doflamingo and again we see awakened fruit mentioned by Katakuri back to back. So, it has been common to awaken your devil fruit power.In the Water 7 & Enies Lobby Arc , we see Luffy thanking Blueno that he was glad meeting them and learning few techniques from CP9 so Luffy is a quick learner. Since, he got knowledge about awakening from Doflamingo he might have thought about it or learnt from his awakened powers.Another point, Rayleigh the man who taught Luffy about hakis, obviously he would have hinted Luffy about awakening of devil fruit.It was not needed to show awakened powers as Gear 4 was easily surpassing previous opponents. In previous Chapter 886 Luffy mentions that even after 10 mins he couldn't defeat him which means Gear 4 abilities and powers are not enough to even stand a chance against Katakuri. So, hopefully we could see the awakened devil fruit power of Luffy😍😍😍😍.

4.Gear 5th

Don't get me wrong,I am not saying it's Gear 5 just an imaginary image even not from me. Talking,guessing & predicting about Gear 5 is a pretty stupid thing to do. And I won't say what is Gear 5, it's shapes,abilities,powers nothing but I actually assure you that there will surely be Gear 5.There will surely be the Gear 5 and hopefully it is the last gear acoording to me, it may not be though.

Why there will be Gear 5?

I don't think during the final war when Luffy will fight against the strongest characters of One Piece he will use Gear 4 and run away for 10 minutes( hahaha it's funny imagining) so Luffy has to come up with new gear to overcome the drawbacks of Gear 4.As Gear 4 taxes his body much , he must come up with something that doesn't tax much of his power to just create a form.

Why Gear 5 "The last Gear?"

One Piece is near to it's end with few of the arcs remaining( I think) so i don't think we will see 2 or 3 more gears. Since Gear 4 is taxing much of his power he should not go beyond that limit( obviously Gear 5 would be pretty effective but will suck much of the power of Luffy). Gear 4 seems pretty effective as he fights with the strongest characters like doflamingo and cracker and defeat them, also manages to hit Katakuri and almost par with Katakuri. So, another gear and awakened devil fruit would be enough for the strongest characters alive in One Piece World.

I don't think we will see Gear 5 pretty soon at least before Wano Kingdom or could also be with fight against Blackbeard or Final war , I don't know. But not at least before Wano as we have just seen the Gear 4 moves,skills and powers and also it could be a surprise against the fight against Kaido.

Thankyou!!! I hope you enjoyed reading!! Feel free to comment your views,ideas and thoughts about this post!!


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