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Marco's Blue Flame Explained By ODA

MARCO "THE PHOENIX" , the former 1st divison commander of Whitebeard Pirates is a dominant character in One Piece.He was the right hand man of Edward Newgate.  As commander of the 1st division of the Whitebeard Pirates, Marco has authority over the lower-ranking subordinates. Following Whitebeard's death, Marco became the highest authority of the Whitebeard Pirates, and as such the crew was under his command as they retreated from Marineford.He was one of the few men unaffected by the powerful Haki released by the Yonko Shanks. He is a very experienced veteran, as he was shown as a member of the Whitebeard Pirates from the times of Gol D. Roger.

We could see him in a action in The Marineford War where he turns out to be a Mythical Zoan Devil Fruit User.He was on a similar level of fighting as the three Admirals and even Whitebeard himself. He was fully capable of fighting Admirals KizaruAokiji and Akainu while holding his own.


Marco ate a Devil Fruit referred to as a Mythical Zoan type, an immensely powerful type of Zoan Devil Fruit, said to be the rarest type, even rarer than Logia fruits. His Devil Fruit enables him to transform into a Phoenix.This Devil Fruit gives Marco increased physical attributes (as is with all Zoan types) and the rare ability of flight, as well as the possibility of launching aerial attacks.While he is using his Zoan ability,we can see blue flames emerging in the sides.So, what is with the blue flames?

It was explained by ODA himself when asked in a SBS interview : All words from him when asked about how is his blue flames different from Portgas D Ace's red flames?

ODA: Yeah, I know… I’ve omitted the explanation from this war arc, because I focused on the pacing and wanted to move the story forward. To explain Marco’s ability just a little bit: he’s Zoan, so he does have a body. But since he’s got “the blue fire of revival” – the Phoenix’s ability – wounds will regenerate, so attacks will not damage him (though there’s a limit to the regeneration). In other words, the flames are for regeneration. These blue flames don’t have the characteristics of actual fire – they don’t spread and burn things, and they aren’t hot. They’re completely different from Ace’s flames. I might touch on this in the main story at some point, so I’ll leave it at this for now.

SO, according to GODA, summarizing his speech we can see that ODA is actually increasing the pace of One Piece Series which means we can see it's ending nearly around 2026(probably).Yeah, he explained all about the blue flames of Marco but we got nothing what actually that thing is ? He just explained it's not hot , not a fire , not like Ace's. So, it means it's nothing it's just an Anime Creation for the look. He also tells that he would touch this in the main story at some point , so he wants to leave this thing for now, which means guyzzz Yeah we will obviously and surely see this man Marco "The Phoenix" full powers and abilities that we couldn't see in Marineford War. So, guyz finally Oda is saying , just get ready to be crazy in Wano Arc.

                                              The End!!!

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