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Gol D Crew Members: Abilities and Powers

It's very crucial stage in the world of one piece as it is coming to an end sooner and we don't even know the previous One Piece Pirate King crew members i.e. crew members of Gol D Roger.So,I thought of making a fact that's known till now about the Gol D Roger crewmates.

So,here we go , all the known crew members of Gol D Roger's crew till this date with their picture as an identity as well as known powers and status of these members.

Let's go to meet these members now.......

1.Dark King "Silvers  Rayleigh"

Silvers Rayleigh, also known as the "Dark King", is the former first mate of the Roger Pirates,known as the "Right Hand of the Pirate King".Rayleigh is extremely powerful, easily one of the strongest characters introduced. Shakky vouches for his strength by saying that he is "100 times stronger than all of you boys", referring to the Eleven Supernovas. Furthermore, when Vice Admiral Garp was informed Rayleigh may be on Sabaody Archipelago, he told his men not to confront him nor should Fleet Admiral Sengoku be informed. Garp reasoned that the Marines should not confront two legends, Whitebeard and Rayleigh at the same time.

Due to his phenomenal strength, he was able to fight Admiral Kizaru equally. However, Rayleigh himself has admitted that he is not as young as he used to be, and can tire in battle. This may mean when he was in the prime of his strength he may have been even stronger than when he matched Kizaru.
 Jinbe, a former Shichibukai who was used to seeing Whitebeard, was later shocked to see Rayleigh in person. Eustass Kid himself even states that Rayleigh was "a legend".

Rayleigh is able to utilize Haki the same way ShanksLuffy, and Whitebeard can. He can use all three types of Haki: Kenbunshoku HakiBusoshoku Haki, and Haoshoku Haki. Rayleigh is also shown to possess great mastery of Haki, and made use of all three types while teaching Luffy about them, and training him in the basics.

No need to tell more about Rayleigh San , you all better know about it.

2. Crocus

Crocus is a doctor and the caretaker of the whale Laboon as well as the overseer of the Twin Capes Lighthouse that guides ships coming down from Reverse Mountain into the Grand Line. Though he was a lighthouse keeper for most of his life, he spent three years as a doctor serving as a part of Gol D. Roger's crew.Crocus is an extraordinary doctor. According to Rayleigh, he is the only doctor who can halt the deterioration of Gol D. Roger's incurable disease, prolonging his life long enough to reach Raftel and conquer the Grand Line. He is an outstanding surgeon as he could surgically modified Laboon, a gigantic whale, to install routes in his body.

3.Buggy "The Clown"

Buggy the Star Clown is the captain of the Buggy Pirates as well as the co-leader of the Buggy and Alvida Alliance, and a former apprentice of the Roger Pirates. Shortly after the Battle of Marineford, he became a member of the Shichibukai .

While not as powerful as other former Roger pirates, Buggy is a fairly capable fighter who was strong enough to survive all the battles with the Whitebeard Pirates and the extreme dangers of the Grand Line. His arrogance and greed usually gets the best of him, preventing him from fighting at his fullest. His great craftiness makes him a dangerous opponent as he will always use trickery in a fight.While he was a considerable opponent at the beginning of the series, he became a lesser threat as more powerful enemies showed up. Finally, in the Impel Down arc, the Baroque Works members commented how weak or how much of a coward Buggy actually is. However, he is still able to survive the ordeals people far more powerful than him.

4.Red Haired "Shanks"

"Red-Haired" Shanks, commonly known as "Red Hair",is the captain of the Red Hair Pirates  and one of the Yonko. He is also a former member of the legendary Roger Pirates, the only group to successfully conquer the Grand Line.

As a former member of the Roger Pirates, captain of the Red Hair Pirates, and one of the Yonko in the New World, Shanks is known to be one of the four strongest pirates in the world. Despite being the youngest of the Yonko, it is implied that he is on equal level with the experienced Kaido, Charlotte Linlin, and even Whitebeard, who was feared as the strongest pirate in the World. Rockstar also used his captain's name to convey to Whitebeard the importance of the letter he delivered to him.It was also stated by the Gorosei that he is one of the few people capable of stopping Teach.Admiral Akainu fought through many men and a few Shichibukai to get to Luffy, but did not challenge Shanks when the Yonko appeared. Members of the Worst Generation such as Eustass Kidd Scratchmen Apoo, and Basil Hawkins had to ally with each other to have a possibility of overthrowing Shanks. Even Linlin acknowledged Shanks's power as she claimed that only with the combined military force of the Big Mom Pirates and Elbaf's army of giants, which is famed as the strongest in the world, would she have a chance to kill Shanks.

As a member of the Yonko, Shanks' name alone commands great power, as Buggy himself proved; his assertion that he previously had a "brotherly bond" with Shanks was one of the many things that earned him respect from the Impel Down inmates. In addition, Buggy did not shy from using the names of Shanks and his previous captain, Gol D. Roger, to maintain his respect among them. Even the fact that Buggy was seen back talking to Shanks was seen as a testament of Buggy's own power to the former prisoners, who were not aware that the two had always acted like this and mistakenly thinking that it was because Buggy was not afraid of a Yonko. Shanks commands enough power to end the war at Marineford with just words; when he stated that there was to be no more fighting, no one stepped up to challenge him, even though the Marines were fired up after the death of Ace and Whitebeard.

5.Scopper Gaban

Scopper Gaban,was a former crew member of the Roger Pirates. His current whereabouts and status are unknown.

Not much is known about Gaban's strength or abilities.
During Buggy's flashback, Gaban was shown wielding an axe in his right hand and another weapon in his left hand, during a raid on a ship.

It is unknown whether or not he attended his captain's execution at Loguetown, but a year before their captain's death the entire crew disbanded and went their own separate ways. What became of Gaban is unknown.


The man on the background which I am talking about behind of the Crocus san....

Seagull, was a member of the Roger Pirates at the time of the Battle of Edd War. His current whereabouts are unknown.
As a member of the Roger Pirates, Seagull is probably a formidable fighter and pirate.

Seagull was seen on the Oro Jackson prior to the battle with Shiki at Edd War. He was later seen entering the fight. His whereabouts following the battle and the later death of his captain are unknown.


Duke Inuarashi is a canine mink and one of the two rulers of the Mokomo Dukedom, dubbed the "Ruler of Day"  as he rules over the Mokomo Dukedom from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM.He and Nekomamushi serve as retainers for the Kozuki Family of Wano Country.

Alongside Nekomamushi, he was once a member of the Whitebeard Pirates and Roger Pirates, serving under Kozuki Oden. Pedro has claimed ,he and Nekomamushi must not be allowed to die because "the world is waiting for them".

8. Nekomamushi

Master Nekomamushi is a feline mink and the guardian of the Whale Forest on Zou,dubbed the "Ruler of Night" as he rules over the Mokomo Dukedom from 6:00 PM to 6:00 AM. He and Inuarashi serve as retainers for the Kozuki Family of Wano Country.

Alongside Inuarashi, he was once a member of the Whitebeard Pirates and Roger Pirates, serving under Kozuki Oden.Pedro has claimed that he and Inuarashi must not be allowed to die because "the world is waiting for them".

Nekomamushi takes great pride in his status as one of the two rulers of the Mokomo Dukedom alongside Inuarashi, having proclaimed the country to be his when the night comes during his first encounter with Jack.

9. Gol  D Roger

Gol D. Roger, known to most as Gold Roger, was the Pirate Kingcaptain of the Roger Pirates, and owner of the legendary treasure known as "One Piece". He was also the lover of Portgas D. Rouge and biological father of Portgas D. Ace.[6]

Prior to his death, Roger was called the "Pirate King" because his fighting power was nearly unstoppable. Only two people are known to have ever matched Roger in battle: Vice Admiral Monkey D. Garp, who possesses immense strength even in old age and cornered him multiple times before his surrender,and his rival Edward "Whitebeard" Newgate,who held the power of the Gura Gura no Mi and was called the "Strongest Man in the World" after Roger's death.

We all know the much things as much as we want to know about him so I don't want to share things which you don't know coz you know more about Gol  D Roger.

10. Kozuki "Oden"

Yeahhh, I kept it secret till now , may be you haven't seen his face till now, so i thought of keeping him at last , so here it is the "Kozuki Oden".

It's not actually shown but I actually guess that this person is from Wano because of his hat and he is the Kozuki Oden.

Oden cared deeply for his clan as he sacrificed himself to enable his son and retainers to escape the Beasts PiratesKin'emonKanjuroRaizo, and Momonosuke were shown grieving over his death.

As part of the Kozuki Family, Oden inherited the knowledge and skill to read poneglyphs and write its ancient language and was the last member of the family with the skill as he failed to pass on the philological knowledge to his son before he was murdered by the Beast Pirates. As daimyo, Oden had a large amount of power and influence over the area he ruled over before his death. Nami deduced that given his position, he must have had a large amount of wealth. He also had the ability to hear the "Voice of All Things".

ThankYou!!!Enjoy The Stuff!!! You Can Comment If u Know A Little Bit!!!! Do Comment!!!!


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