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Manga Episode 879 Review

Chapter 879 is titled with "One Of Big Mom's Three Sweet Commanders,Katakuri".
Jinbe encourages the Sanji Retrieval Team to stop mourning Pedro's sacrifice and press on in honor of it, and as they head to Cacao Island, Big Mom continues pursuing them on a candy road made by Perospero. Meanwhile, Sanji, Pudding, and Chiffon reach Cacao Island, and Chiffon reveals that Lola was once the Minister of Chocolate, and that Pudding refuses to take her place.
In the Mirro-World, Katakuri manages to perfectly counter Luffy's attacks by forming fists out of mochi that act in the exact same way to Luffy's stretched punches. Luffy is left planted in the wall as Katakuri overwhelms him with both speed and power.
The speech Jinbe gave about Pedro's sacrifice was exceptional and very much needed. He already fits in perfectly with the crew. And honestly...each week I'm saving up more money to buy a ticket for the death train. I really don't see what good Pedro surviving would accomplish - remember how both Pell AND Igaram suddenly came back to life at the end of Alabasta? Yeah, that was stupid af. I hope Pedro's actions have meaning and his young spirit in an old body has passed on to better things.
It was pretty funny to see Pound again! I wonder what he's doing and what will become of him now. Also, I wasn't expecting Lola to have been the Minister of Chocolate - the first minister we had ever heard of in this arc. Looking forward to seeing what this means in terms of Pudding's relationship with Lola, because that's been one of the more intriguing parts of her character.
Finally, the part of the chapter that we were all waiting for, and got especially hyped for once we saw the chapter - Luffy vs. Katakuri! And wow - I thought Luffy would have more of a fighting chance, but Katakuri is perfectly countering his moves and giving him an epic beatdown - both with speed AND power. This is perhaps the most balanaced Yonko Commander we've seen yet, aside from maybe Marco. But...I took notice that this fight is quite similar to another fight that happened earlier this arc...
Short Summary
The fight seems like Dogtooth is playing with Luffy with attacks pretty similar to luffy dominating him both in speed and power.


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