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Luffy Lost ..... ? (Really???)

Two Gunshot staring each other.
Luffy knows how much strong Charlotte Katakuri aka Dogtooth is, after exchanging the punch before. He is quite serious for this fight.

What is this? Luffy is laying down covered in blood all over. Still he is muttering something. "Son of Bitch I won't............."(coughs blood).
Wait what is this, Dogtooth is also laying down the ground same condition as Luffy's.

Dogtooth: "Luffy you are persistent. Give up. But I admire you are strong. You have to be stopped now. You are gonna a big threat to mom. So you have to...... He couldn't stand as he tried once again. (coughs blood)." He saw someone is coming near to Straw Hat. But he only could see black shoes.......again he coughs.

Both of them are staring without saying word but Dogtooth exactly knows what is going to happen. He already saw short portion of future. HisKenbunshoku Haki was activated back awhile.

Dogtooth : Luffy its not wise to engage on fight. And I think you also know that.

Luffy : I know. But I can't allow you to lay a finger on my nakamas. So I have to stop you here now.

Dogtooth: Ok I will withdraw from this fight. I won't follow too. But next time when I see you It will be your last breath.

Luffy : I will wait for that day.

Dogtooth : Wait for a while. One of your nakama will be here soon.
Luffy looks confused.

This is the conclusion I made. What do you think about it? Do comment, share your views on this. Thank you!


  1. Haha! Its a good idea and it is a direction that Oda might take or at least have considered.

    From what we've seen so far it doesn't seem likely that Luffy will be able to beat Katakuri in single combat. Unless, of course, he's got something else up his sleeve. Also Luffy has taken quite a beating this arc. So the logical way for Luffy to get away "safely" would be if Katakuri as to end up letting him go. So, I do think it is a possibility.

    But I do think there's a lot more to Katakuri as a character that we've yet to see (like a possible scar under his scarf!). He has in one of the previous chapters stated that Luffy will be a threat later to Big Mom and her crew; so knowing that, he will probably not be willing to let Luffy go just like that (that is unless its a stalemate like you have predicted and he'd have no choice).

    I personally think the next chapters will focus on Katakuri's character while they are fighting it out but who knows. it is intriguing nonetheless.

    1. Also since Brulee is seemingly knocked out right now, I don't think anyone would be able to get into the mirror world from outside anytime soon. So yeah, I don't know about someone coming towards where they're fighting.

  2. I don't think dogtooth will let luffy free. He himself said that he will become the biggest threat to bigmom pirates. So i think this time we can see luffy v katakuri. It wil be like luffy v rob lucci fight. May be luffy learns to his awakening.


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