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"Charlotte Katakuri" Overpowers "Luffy"(1.057 Billion Beri VS 500 Million Beri)

The second son and one of the Sweet Commanders of Yonko Big Mom,the CHARLOTTE KATAKURI(Dogtooth).Katakuri is the character who has the highest bounty shown till date in One piece world of 1,057,000,000 Beris just exceeding one of the right hand man of Yonko Kaido "Jack The Drought" of 1 Billion Beris.It proves that the World Government views him as an extremely dangerous one.

Each appearance of this guy gives a humongous attitude and a monstrous beast.He has a very serious not a nonsense demeanor who cares greatly about his crew and family's objectives.The best thing I love about this guy is that he doesn't brag about his abilities & strength unlike Charlotte Cracker.The epic appearance I've seen till date of Yonko's commanders after Benn Beckmann in Marineford is this guy "Charlotte Katakuri".
Let's see his first appearance in the Manga saga.
So you got me,right?,why I am overhyping this guy.Firstly, in this image,its's shown that he is a guy who could throw just a jelly bean with such a speed that it acts as a bullet and even kills a person.
Secondly,till now it is not mentioned or shown  in other characters other than him about  training one's Kenbunshoku Haki"Observation Haki" into such a level of height that it allows them to see a little bit into the future which helps them to make smart judgement calls.Oh my goodness,What heck of a power is this?Another thing that makes him great is the "Capone Bege" a Supernova ,who aimed for the head of the Yonko "Big Mom" states that of all the people present in the tea party,Bege is afraid of this guy"Katakuri" & considered him the most troublesome among others.I've never seen Bege praising anyone till date & being afraid of.

Each and everywhere this guy has played great role whether it is attacking enemies,saving family ones,making strategies & plans with executing them properly,everywhere.

Katakuri Vs Ichiji:Katakuri  easily defeats ICHIJI"a genetically enhanced commander of Germa 66" pretty calmly in a quick & effective manner without incurring any injuries himself.
Katakuri vs Ichiji

Katakuri Vs Luffy:Let's discuss about the first encounter of Dogtooth and Luffy.
Here,Katakuri finds out the real"Luffy" which was not even found by Katakuri's mom & attacks suddenly to Luffy.Luffy whose Observation Haki cannot be considered below but here he couldn't see the attack of Katakuri & gets his hands and feets stucked.Sorry,I didn't mention it earlier,Katakuri is a Paramecia user with the devil fruit power of "Stick Stick".Jinbei had to save Luffy from Katakuri here.

After Bege & Strawhats along with allies successfully escaped the castle,Katakuri immediately formed a team to pursue them & stayed on Thousand Sunny aiming for Luffy.In the ship,I liked his attitude even more as he didn't feel necessary for involving in a fight with Luffy's crewmates Brook & Chopper like if"This simple job is not for me,gonna give this to brother Perospero".

The calm look he gives to his surprised brother Perospero when strawhats were returning to ship determines how cool,confidence & focussed he is.
Luffy's Red Hawk Vs Katakuri

The latest Manga 877,also reveals that he has quite similar fighting styles like luffy as he simply stretches his hand & punches just to counter Luffy's Red Hawk without any effort.Can you imagine,Red Hawk,even Perospero was surprised screaming "Flame"  as it was easily countered by "Charlotte Katakuri".

Pfffffff..... must be enough that Katakuri is stronger than Luffy & could give him a par fight & overpower him.

Thankyou!!! Share your thoughts!!!


  1. Great collection bro.... And to mention todays development was extreme... How would exactly Luffy deal and rise from it? Its going to be crucial for WANO arc...

    1. @Sudeep Bhusal Thanks!!It's the most crucial part,you're right.


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