Manga Title:No Way Out Summary: Pudding, Chiffon, and Sanji arrive at Chocolate Town on Cacao Island, where they are greeted. The people are shocked to see Chiffon , who is in handcuffs, but Pudding states that Bege is wholly to blame for the attempt on Big Mom's life. She had put the handcuffs on Chiffon earlier, saying that they would need to make it look like Chiffon was being threatened into doing this. One figure tells Pudding that he knows about the outrageous events that occurred during the wedding, and Pudding asks if he has made the necessary preparations. The man replies that he called Whole Cake Island's 31 most renowned chefs here an hour ago, and the other citizens are in awe at Pudding's dedication to fixing this mess. The WCI 31 report for duty, with all of their preparations completed. Pudding heads to the Sweets Factory, and tells the citizens that it is essential the cooks keep their focus during th...
I don't own One Piece.Just for fun!!