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Showing posts from November, 2017

Luffy Won't Defeat Katakuri!!!What's Next Gear 5/Awakening/Future Seeing Ability?

Biggest Fight Till Now For Luffy!!! In the Previous Manga Chapter 886, we found out few advantages for Luffy as well as few weaknesses of so called Invincible Katakuri. Chapter 886's Few References With Images           So, here Luffy states Katakuri's Observation Haki will get weaker if fight goes a little longer and Luffy could also rest for 10 minutes to regain his haki. Oda did great here I was wondering where Luffy will hide for 10 minutes in Mirror World but again surprising from Oda, Branch Sorry !!! Brulee becomes the escape route. Here, we see even after gaining Haki after 10 minutes Luffy states that it won't do( not enough to defeat Katakuri ).So he has to come up with something different to defeat Katakuri. Luffy even wants to improve his observation skills to the extent to see a little bit of the future as Katakuri does.So, does it mean Luffy would gain such power ups in upcoming few chapters with fight against Katakuri??? Luffy wa

Manga Chapter 886 "That's The Way I Live"

                                                          No Cover Page Available Manga Title - THAT'S THE WAY I LIVE Summary Pudding  calls for the  Cacao Island  citizens to clear the way as the base wedding cake is brought outside, and everyone admires how it was made in such a short time. They admire Pudding,  Chiffon , and the  WCI 31  for accomplishing this, and the chefs who had their memories altered wonder why  Sanji  is in disguise. As  Pound  sees Chiffon from a distance away,  Oven  stops the carriage. Pudding tells him of her intention to take the cake out to sea to minimize the destruction caused by  Big Mom , and Oven lets her pass, but he attacks Chiffon by punching her into the ground. Despite Pudding and the citizens' protests, Oven does not relent due to Chiffon's compliance in  Bege 's assassination attempt on Big Mom. However, Chiffon refuses to give ground either, intent on continuing to repay her debt to  Nami  and the Straw Hats. Sanji

Manga Chapter 885 " It's Brulee"

Manga Title - IT'S BRULEE Summary Luffy  is upset that he lost the advantage against  Katakuri  and launches a Kong Gun at him, but it gets deflected. Katakuri launches an attack of his own which knocks Luffy back and bouncing against the wall. The Sweet Commander proclaims that the only thing he's proved is that as long as he stays calm, Luffy will not be able to defeat him. Angry Luffy confidently states that he'll find another weakness. When Katakuri notes that Luffy will be shriveling up, Luffy realizes that his Gear Fourth will wear out soon. He then retreats from the battle, but Katakuri refuses to let Luffy go and chases after him. Luffy's Gear Fourth deactivates, but he continues to flee. Just then, Luffy finds Brulee sitting close to a nearby mirror. Luffy then grabs her and jumps through a mirror. Katakuri tries to catch Luffy but fails. Unfortunately, the place where Luffy escapes to is  Nuts Island  and he stares ahead as  Big Mom  continues to

Manga Chapter 884 "WHO"

Manga Title - WHO Summary After activating  Gear Fourth ,  Luffy  continues to pummel  Katakuri  with multiple Gear Fourth attacks, eventually sending the Sweet Commander flying. Luffy proclaims that since  Busoshoku Haki  makes Logia types take form and it simply passed through Katakuri, he knew that he was not a Logia user. He notes that Katakuri's most notable trait is not his control over his  Mochi Mochi no Mi  abilities, but his  Kenbunshoku Haki  and declares that his Gear Fourth form will not be beaten by him. Katakuri glares at him but is impressed that Luffy was able to figure it out and wonders aloud how long it has been since he actually was hit by an opponent. He mentions that if a Kenbunshoku Haki user is not calm or collected, they will be unable to use the ability. He comments that he is beginning to realize how Luffy was able to overcome  Charlotte Cracker . He then traps Luffy within mochi and lands a direct hit squarely on his chest, smashing him throu

Manga Chapter 883 "Merienda"

Manga Title - Merienda Summary As  Luffy  begins to activate  Gear Fourth ,  Katakuri  traps him within a pile of mochi on the floor. He asks aloud why he would just sit and watch as Luffy powers up, claiming that he will not underestimate him like many of his siblings did. He then transforms the walls of the  Mirro-World  into mochi and buries Luffy with it in an attempt to suffocate him. Katakuri apologizes that their fight had to end like this, but comments Luffy on lasting longer than he expected. After noting that his snack time has been delayed due to their fight, Katakuri calls out to his chefs and they bring sweets to him. The chefs inform him that due to delay, Katakuri's daily black tea has cooled down. He brushes it off and after constructing a shrine out of mochi, tells the chefs not to disturb him or allow anyone inside. While the chefs discuss Katakuri's power, Luffy eats his way out of the pile of mochi, much to their shock. An irritated Luffy states that

Manga Chapter 882 "Beyond The Yonko's Expectations"

Manga Title - Beyond The Yonko's Expectations Summary During the duel between  Katakuri  and  Luffy ,  Brule'e  resumes taunting Luffy by telling him that he has no chance against the best of  Big Mom’s  children.She tells Luffy of Katakuri’s reputation for never having laid down once in his life, but is stopped when an irritated Luffy tries to strike her. Luffy’s attack is intercepted by Katakuri, who grabs Luffy's arm and slams him into a wall of mirrors. Katakuri follows this up by attempting to strike Luffy with his spinning trident,  Mogura , which Luffy only just manages to dodge. After the wall behind Luffy explodes from the force of the attack, Katakuri threatens to take Luffy apart piece by piece. Back at sea,  Perospero  receives word from Brûlée via  Den Den Mushi  that the  Thousand Sunny  had not been sunk by his and Big Mom’s combined tidal wave  homie . On Brûlée’s instructions, Perospero directs Big Mom towards  Cacao Island , but Big Mom appea

Strongest Possible Characters In Revolutionary Army With Reasons :Monkey D Dragon Allies

Pffffffff........... It gives me chills creating this post!!!! Hummmm ........ I'm getting damn excited !!!Let's do this!!!! Let's know about Revolutionary Army first. Revolutionary Army is a powerful military organization led by Monkey D Dragon. In particular, they lead the fight against the World Government. The Revolutionary’s Army main objective is to fight against the World Government’s rule over the world. While their full motives are not known, their leader Monkey D Dragon once showed when the nobles were mistreating those who they rule over. The Revolutionaries also helped slaves from Tequila Wolf. I created this post just after I saw this picture from the Manga Episode... (Forget, I'm sorry) I took out two points from this conversation between Koala and Dragon. 1.       Scattered across the world 2.       Koala being scared and says , “All those intense people together” So, from this conversation between the leader “Monk