Manga Title - "Beleiving In Me" Chapter- 891 Summary In Hakuriki Town on Komugi Island, the citizens were shocked by mirrors breaking due to the battle between Katakuri and Luffy in the Mirror-World. They comment their surprise on how long this fight has gone. On Whole Cake Island, Count Niwatori also remarks on this after seeing that it is already 9:30 PM. Next to him is a table where Stussy and Morgans sit, and Stussy reveals to Niwatori and Mont-d'Or that the Tamatebako given to them by the Straw Hats and Fishman Island was the cause of the explosion that toppled the Whole Cake Chateau. In the Mirror-World, the 36th daughter of the Charlotte Family and leader of the Katakuri Fan Club, Charlotte Flampe, orders her subordinates to assist her older brother Katakuri by sniping at Luffy. However, Luffy is too fast and the snipers keep missing, causing her to stab one of them with a fork. She reveals that since Katakuri is the favorite of all his youn...
I don't own One Piece.Just for fun!!